Molasses & Cocoa Buckwheat Cereal

Molasses & Cocoa Buckwheat Cereal

Our Provider

The energy of adolescence was once upon a time just something we assumed we’d always have. Our knees would bleed from falls, and happiness taken when the street lights would come on and everyone would have to scurry their way back home. Our youth was a gullible time before we had to worry about taking after ourselves because we had somebody taking after us. 

As a child, nightmares were something I could never shake. My recurring dreams of fear would haunt the walls of my bedroom, and sleeping alone was something never fully accomplished. But when I woke up, I knew my mama’s lap awaited. The goblins and ghost would go away because the 7 a.m. energy would wake me to clouds of rich coffee sneaking its way through the cracks- safety was just outside my door. 

Juvenescence swiftly left, and the convenience wasn’t so practical anymore. Adulthood had approached quicker than expected and my kitchen acted as a mother. She’d always given me precious memories of holiday dinners, Sunday morning breakfasts, and joyful reunions, so why not strengthen our relationship?

The dark amber of molasses slid from the silver spoon and folded onto the buckwheat, stiff at first and then melting into an expansive pile of black syrup. The cocoa and cinnamon dusted the glass bowl’s inside walls and showed itself to the nose, tickling my nostril hairs with a decadent fragrance. The soft heat from the oven lifted the morning chill and I found myself secure.

Molasses Cocoa Buckwheat Cereal  

  • 2 c buckwheat
  • 2 tbs cocoa 
  • 1/2 tbs cinnamon 
  • 1/4 or 1/2 c brown rice syrup (depending on sweetness pref)
  • 1 tbs molasses
  • 1/2 c coconut flakes
  • 1/4 c sunflower seeds
  1. Soak buckwheat for at least an hour- I prefer a few hours so it's softer.
  2. Drain buckwheat and rinse. 
  3. Preheat oven to 200 F.
  4. In a large bowl, pour in all of your ingredients: soaked buckwheat, cocoa, cinnamon, coconut flakes, sunflower seeds, molasses, and brown rice syrup and mix thoroughly. 
  5. On a coated baking sheet or nonstick surface, spread out your cereal and pop it into the oven for an hour. 
  6. Once it is finished, pour some into a bowl and serve with your favorite nut milk.... or add some vegan dark chocolate chips if you're feeling crazy.